Evaluating Electropolished Stainless Steel for High-Purity Gas Distribution Systems

EAG Laboratories scientists have the scientific expertise and regulatory know-how to perform the assessments needed to evaluate the quality and efficiency of electropolishing and/or passivation of chromium-enriched stainless steel tubing, fittings, valves, and other components. These tests involve determining the surface and bulk elemental composition, surface condition, and oxide chemistry of interior and/or exterior surfaces. The key to good electropolishing and/or passivation is producing a highly Cr-enriched surface oxide, which imparts high corrosion resistance to the surface, while maintaining smooth and bright surfaces that will not shed particulates during use. The scientists at EAG Laboratories can help you navigate the SEMI, SEMASPEC, AMAT and other specifications governing the measurement of these properties for high-purity gas distribution systems. T

Sample Preparation

Proper analysis of electropolished stainless steel begins with proper sample preparation. Incorrect tools can introduce external contaminants, while excessive heat from cutting can alter the nature of the passive oxide layer. 

EAG Laboratories has the know-how and capability to prepare and expose the analysis areas of electropolished stainless steel parts with negligible surface contamination and effect on the passive oxide layer, no matter the type of sample.

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